Last night was the Halifax show of the "Behind the Icon" event - "Coffey Talk with Chip Coffey". For those of you who don't know who Chip is, you can view his website
There were two type of tickets available, your basic admission and a VIP ticket. The VIP ticket included seating in the first 10 rows, a short meet & greet, a photo with Chip as well as a 8.5 x 11 autographed poster and show laminate.

(How cool is this?)
The show started right on time (which I find amazing, since it seems not many things start on time these days) with the first hour being a Question and Answer session, followed by a short intermission (apparently I am not the only one with a bladder the size of a pea). Once the show started back up-we were onto the meat of the show, the real reason why we were all there......hoping the spirits would guide Chip to us, so we could have a "mini-reading". One thing was made very clear - there were no 'two-fers', meaning if you were selected for a psychic reading, you couldn't ask to speak to your dead Mom, brother, etc....and Chip would say so. However, it was amusing to listen to him speak, and his self-professed "psychic ADD". Oh yes, it took every fiber of my being to not yell out "Oh look.. A squirrell" (some people will 'get' that reference).
I will say, NO, I didn't get selected for a reading (Mom.....tsk tsk tsk....)but it was interesting none-the-less....well, except for the lady sitting in the row behind me....providing a "play by play" of every freaking reading that Chip did. I appreciate the fact that you have a GIFT, but, really....did you need to provide a bloody commentary with each f`n question to Chip and with his responses? (That was my rant portion of my blog)
One thing I did appreciate about the whole evening, is the fact that Chip would say "I don't know" when he didn't know the answer to a question rather than bullshitting and making something up. He doesn't profess to know everything about the paranormal/psychic/medium world, but, provides answers to the best of his knowledge and/or abilities.
All in all, it was a good event, nice size crowd (intimate would be a good description ~216 seats in total) ~144 VIP seats (not all were sold), and followed their set schedule quite closely. (I know, Mike had donairs to get to).
Thank you Chip, Mike, Apryl, Greta & Chris (elf-boy) for the event, and thank you to Twitter for the "Tour that Twitter built" - here's to next time!!