Well, here goes nothing. Literally.....this is just a place for me to rant about miscellaneous things....things that occur during my day, things that strike me as being odd, things that happen while I'm driving...just things. One thing I have discovered is freebies, coupons and contests.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
How 'bout I start with the fact there was a rape in our community on Sunday. Disgusted that there was a rape, or it was in our community, or that it occurred in broad daylight at 11:30am? All three. Add to the list on July 2 that a youth was slashed on the wrist and robbed (in broad daylight) and two days prior to that, I personally witnessed a robbery of a young man (14 years old to be precise) in BROAD DAYLIGHT. There was a time when the neighborhood I currently live in was safe, where everyone knew one another (or if you didn't, someone you knew did) and it was safe to walk the streets just about any time of day or night.
I did move away for quite a few years and left the neighborhood, and now that I've been back for about 2 and a half years - I've noticed it's gone from being a neighborhood to being a 'hood. Gone are the days when it was safe for your kids to be further than your front yard, gone are the days where it was safe to be out for a leisurely stroll, gone are the days when it was safe to do anything. And this freaking disgusts me to no end.
Years ago, the Hells Angels had their clubhouse in our community, and I tell ya (I didn't live there at the time) I guarantee it was the safest neighborhood in the city. You don't pi$$ in their backyard without getting your d*** ripped off. Yes, they are a gang, and yes, they've done some 'bad' things, but, for ***** sake, they made sure the area was safe. I'm not going to sit here and be an advocate for criminal activity, but, for f*** sake, something has to be done. In the 2+ years that I have been back, there have been more robberies than I can count on TWO hands (and probably more than what I could count using my feet too)
I was just taking a peek at the crime stats as supplied by the HRM PD, and year to date in the "WEST" division, there were 326 assaults and 29 sex offenses (last year, same time frame, 259 and 34). It's too bad that those stats aren't broken down by community, would be interesting to see what those numbers are.
But, to finish my rant.....I am willing to bet that a majority of the BROAD daylight robberies are committed by young offenders (at least the one that I witnessed was) who have no remorse, no fear of punishment, no care as to what the consequences are - it's all just 'another notch on the belt' and bragging rites. The Young Offenders Act is nothing but a license to commit crime knowing that once you hit the ripe old age of 18 your record is wiped clean. As for the f***** that raped the 28 year old in our community, I hope your C*** rots and falls off! Falls off before you have the opportunity to do this again to someone. You are nothing but low life scum. With any luck you are caught, convicted and sent to a jail. Somewhere where you will have to sleep with one eye open, fear the broom handle, and squat to pick up the soap you dropped rather than bend over. I do believe that what goes around comes around, might not be today, might not be tomorrow - but some day, all you sons of b***** who think that the world is yours to ride roughshod over, will encounter someone bigger, badder, and with less of a conscience then you, and then watch the f**** out - it might not be pretty at all. RANT OFF
Sunday, July 4, 2010
An April Fool's Day joke comes to life?
Yep, internet in the sewer - I first saw this as a Google April Fool's Day joke. Here is the newspaper article:
Australia's third-largest city is investigating bringing high-speed broadband Internet to Brisbane homes and businesses using its sewer pipes to carry fibre optic cables, Channel 7 News reported.
It was reported Saturday that Lord Mayor Campbell Newman said residents could soon have access to next-generation broadband technology at no cost to taxpayers.
Newman said Brisbane city council is in discussions with a British company seeking to put broadband fibre optic into the city using Brisbane's sewer system.
Since the sewer pipes already connect all the buildings in the city and little additional digging will be required, the city can be fibre-optic hardwired relatively quickly and inexpensively, Channel 7 News said.
"We want 100 megabits per second fibre-to-the-home and we want it now," the mayor said.
Now, here is the Google April Fools joke: ![]() Google TiSP (BETA) is a fully functional, end-to-end system that provides in-home wireless access by connecting your commode-based TiSP wireless router to one of thousands of TiSP Access Nodes via fiber-optic cable strung through your local municipal sewage lines. ![]() ![]() Installing a typical home TiSP system is a quick, easy and largely sanitary process -- provided you follow these step-by-step instructions very, very carefully.
Note: If you have any difficulty installing, operating or simply living with TiSP, we suggest joining the TiSP Help Group. ![]() Professional Installation Service In-Commode Package Delivery TiSP for Enterprise | ||||||||
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Friday, July 2, 2010
Here goes nothing.....literally
Over the past month, there are TONS, yes TONS of things that have struck me as odd, weird, and even annoyed me - I did say annoyed...but, honestly, I couldn't keep those thoughts in my head long enough to determine if they were worth writing about...and apparently not, since I didn't write about them. Oh well.
On May 24, however, after I made my last post -
On another note, I did witness a robbery in broad daylight. Some poor kid was 'jacked' for $6 and his iPod Touch. At first I didn't realize what was happening till it was all done, and I approached the kid and asked if he just got robbed...and he did. So, 911 was called, statements were filed, and even though Glenn spent a good 45-60 minutes driving around looking for the little bastards who robbed the kid, no luck. It's not likely the kid will get his property back, nor will the little fuckers who robbed the kid get caught - but, at least it was reported.
Hmmm, what else can I write about....ah yes, yesterday, while bringing Shelby into town, we saw a car on fire on the highway - Shelby did her civic duty and called 911 as well (since I was driving, I legally COULD have called 911, it's the only time you ARE permitted to be on your cell phone while driving) to report the car fire - hopefully it was extinguished - couldn't have been too newsworthy as there was nothing in the on-line edition of the newspaper today.
Speaking of cellphones and driving - apparently some people haven't heard that it is ILLEGAL to talk on your cell phone while driving (illegal to HOLD and talk, hands-free is permitted, with regulations) or they really don't give a rats-ass and continue to talk/hold and drive. THAT annoys the F**K outta me...maybe I'll stand on the side of the road some day with my camera and take pictures of the offenders along with photos of their license plates and give that to the cops.....there - call someone on your cellphone while driving about that you f'n idiots!?!?!?!
(rant off)
That's it for today....there may be more soon - you'll have to wait and see, won't you?